
Showing posts from September, 2023

Global Oil Market is in need of a compass. Or is greed at the core?

Oil markets are going for a showdown, as not only crude oil prices are soaring, but also the US dollar. While oil prices have soared by 30% in the last quarter, supported by continuing demand growth, dark clouds are building up on the horizon.  Not only are major economies heading for a possible severe recession, especially in Europe, but inflation and interest rates are still not cooling down. To put even more pressure on all, news has emerged that China’s future crude oil demand could be peaking soon, even though the latter is still not confirmed and could be a media hype put in place by Beijing to cool down all to get lower prices overall. Still, signs are on orange, even for most bulls. Looking at equity markets, results are worrying already as they are in deep red. When looking at crude oil prices in general, OPEC Kingpin Saudi Arabia’s move to unilaterally cut an additional 1 million bpd from the market, on top of the already official OPEC+ cuts, has pushed all into a  bullish en

How AI Is Changing The Future Of The Human Race | Spark


Resonance Beings of Frequency documentary film



  Corporate Bonds After government bonds, the corporate bond market is the largest section of the global bond universe. With a vast array of maturities, yields and credit quality available, investing in corporate bonds has the potential to provide higher yields than government bonds and diversification benefits for investors. What are corporate bonds? When companies want to expand operations or fund new business ventures, they often turn to the corporate bond market to borrow money. A company determines how much it would like to borrow and then issues a bond offering in that amount; investors that buy a bond are effectively lending money to the company according to the terms established in the bond offering or prospectus. Unlike equities, ownership of corporate bonds does not signify an ownership interest in the company that has issued the bond. Instead, the company pays the investor a rate of interest over a period of time and repays the principal at the maturity date established at t

Riding the AI tsunami

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, we often turn to wave analogies to describe the profound shifts that reshape our world. From the industrial revolution to the digital era, these waves have propelled us into new frontiers. Now, on the horizon, there's another wave building—the wave of generative AI, as envisioned by Mustafa Suleyman, the CEO and co-founder of Inflection AI and a venture partner at Greylock Partners. Suleyman, who previously co-founded the groundbreaking AI lab DeepMind, brings a wealth of experience and insight to the table. His new book, " The Coming Wave ," is poised to dive deep into the transformative potential of generative AI and what it means for our future. A Glimpse Into the Third Wave To put this wave in context, let's take a step back. In 1980, Alvin Toffler released " The Third Wave, " a book that painted a picture of a post-industrial society. Toffler's vision coined the term " Information Age " to desc